SLATES - Yep, still relevant!


I usually put slates up on my videos/spots/films/brandstories etc etc for my clients. It is a great way for them to know info for a particular video. Especially when you have 5,9 or more versions and they want to go back to version 3 for the intro etc.I found myself creating different versions based on status of what i was working on. For example, My spot was now approved, so i needed to create a new slate to show this, or I was creating a master file and needed to change/adapt/re-create the same slate again. So, somehow I saw that Apple had created a slate title already...yes, they did, its already in your FCPX titles. This didn't quite work for me though, It is for episodic types of shows. I needed something for doing Ad Agency type of work. So, I modified the one in X to fit my needs...feel free to modify this to fit your needs as well. Also, I did this while working on jobs, so if you find a bug or weird behavior let me know. The Slate title is inside a Library, I have created a project that has the Slate title, some audio beeps and 2-pop along with a slug/fill. Total time is 5 seconds, again, adjust to your needs. It has helped speed up my process and hopefully it will for you too. Also, extra tip, this is good for sending reference videos to different departments as well. Like, Sound, VFX, Color. specially if you see it written on the slate. I might add new menu options with this built in later.....Hmm think i will


SLATE - Template Library for FCPX

tony gallardo